Lake Michael 2023 Vessel Usage
The City of Mebane Recreation and Parks Department is pleased to announce the grand reopening of our Lake Michael vessel usage. This year, we are doing things differently and have a new system in place for checking out and utilizing the vessels. This video will walk you through the process and show how easy it is for you to get out on the beautiful waters of Lake Michael this summer! Special thank you to Kert Henderson for the aerial footage of the lake. We are ecstatic to be able to offer these boat rental services again and can't wait to see you all out on #PositivelyCharming Lake Michael.
A recap of the May City Council meeting and the PowerPoint presentation can be found under the Document Library tab on the Positively Mebane website. The Mebane Scoop, a blog dedicated to experiences as a new resident of the area, is also available for you to read. The second entry discusses a popular local coffee shop here in Mebane. The latest Mebane City Beat column, Mebane Trail Rangers Advocate for Trail Awareness, published on May 24, is now on the website for you to read. The column discusses the Mebane Trail Rangers and how they are making citizens aware of the Mountains-to-Sea Trail (MST) that traverses through our historic downtown.