Mebane City Beat
Mebane City Beat is a newspaper column with The News of Orange County, which merged with the Mebane Enterprise at the end of January 2024. It discusses growth, transportation, parks, and more!

Positively Connected: Local transportation plans to ease traffic, increase travel options- Feb. 15
Mebane gets familiar with "Pocket Parks" - March 15
Renovating Mebane's Wastewater- April 19
Mebane Trail Rangers Advocate for Trail Awareness- May 24
New developments ahead for Mebane -June 28
Everyone's Playground at Cates Farm Park -July 12
Navigating Back to School Safety- August 16
Mebane's not leafing around this holiday season- Sept. 13
Conserving with WaterScope- October 25
Holiday Safety Advice- Nov. 29
Mebane joins the Greenway Train- Dec. 20
Recreational developments on the horizon - Jan. 24, 2024
Town's bicycle and pedestrian plan - Feb. 14
Easter is on its way- March 20
Prolonging Mebane's Infrastructure- April 17
Raising the town's water capacity- May 15
A Social District boost- June 26
The Makers of Modern Mebane - July 17
Lake Michael's temporary closure - August 14
Future flow demands- Sept. 18
Town sets forth Mebane 2045 Plan- Oct. 30
Tips for shopping safely- Dec.18
The town’s first responders - Jan. 22